A Review of Interventions to Teach a Mand Repertoire


Interventions which teach developmentally disabled persons to make requests and choices are now widely recommended. Recent changes in general approaches to teaching asking-making have been noted which are consistent with theory and research concerning mands. Three categories of interventions, incidental teaching, selection making, and the interrupted behavior concatenation are also examined with regard to theory apropos the mand and establishing operations (EOs). Several of the critical features of EOs, and in particular the momentary aspect of EOs, have not been well incorporated into interventions. Suggestions for improvement of mand interventions are therefore proposed.


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Shafer, E. A review of interventions to teach a mand repertoire. Analysis Exact Behav 12, 53–66 (1995). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03392897

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  • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03392897


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